Fold your scarf in Origami style

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Is it possible to fold your scarf into parts that are sharply shaped in squares and triangles? In origami style? Of course it's possible. Just take an iron and start ironing your scarf. Unfortunately this will take an hour (or more) and eventually the shapes will go away. Too bad. Not if you have a scarf of Monomatopee!

This Japanese brand created a textile of special material. This material allows you to fold, shape or round the scarf, just like it's origami. And you don't even have to iron it, because the shapes will stay just the way you've fold it. Until you've had enough of how you've shaped the scarf. Then you can fold it another way.

So with one scarf you can create different styles of wearing it. Besides scarfs Monomatopee also has cases, tote bags and pouches. Cute!

Source: trendhunter,

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