Horrorbed: the floating bed

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Waking up in your own bed, all sweaty, because you had a nightmare again? Well, I think I would have nightmares everyday, when I would sleep in this floating bed!

Of course the floating bed isn't really floating, or else it would be really spooky. It might be hanging by the thin curtain layers. The funny thing about this bed is that you can store it into the ceiling. So if you don't need it, you can lift up the bed, with uhm...I guess you'll get a remote control or something. Very nice invention for those who don't have enough space at home.

Hmmm, I'm not sure if I would sleep on this bed (now some images of The Exorcist pop up in my head, ieekk). What if you're sleeping on it, and suddenly an accident happens with the remote control and lifts you up to the ceiling. Now you're stuck above! OMG. Ieeek! A floating bed. Nope, not for me!

Source: rocketnews24

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