Tina Leopard, the model with an Anime face

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Last time we've posted about a half human-anime model who's wearing a huge head of a typical animegirl, when shooting some photos. Some models go a bit further with their anime obsession, like Tina.

Tina, a Chinese blogger and model who has, as you can see, an unusual face. Maybe she never eats, or maybe she always sleeps with huge heavy bricks on her chin, but how the...her chin! I don't think it's photoshopped, it's her real face. Some think it's beautiful. But to me, I don't know... it looks a bit scary to me and a bit painful. I really wonder how she gets a face like that. I guess she had some painful moments, hours, days, years, to shape it like that. What do you think?

Source: odditycentral

1 comment about "Tina Leopard, the model with an Anime face":

October 18, 2012 at 6:47 PM

OMG its so scary!!!!

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