Cola Chicken flavored chips

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So we should be satisfied with the newest Lay's potato chips flavor Spicy Reggae Chicken? HM. Boring flavor. If only the Dutch Lay's could exchange our boring new flavor with the Chinese Lay's.

The newest flavor potato chips in China is....... Pepsi-Chicken! Say what? Yup, in China chicken wings tossed into a wok and caramelized in soy sauce, spices and cola seems to be a very popular dish. So it was a matter of time for Lay's to make cola-marinated chicken flavored potato chips.

Mmmmmm, it really sounds juuuummmy. Hm, maybe I should try to make my own Pepsi-Chicken first, before I get tempted to buy a planeticket to China, to get this jummy flavored potato chips. I'm hungry...


Source: odditycentral

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