Flavor radio by Dunkin' Donuts

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OK this is definitely something for coffee junkies: Flavor radio that spreads the smell of coffee! Say what?

Dunkin' Donuts came up with this different way of advertising by using smell. This is to let people get and drink their coffee at the donut shop. So how does it work? Well, they've installed special flavor radios on buses in Seoul. Every time the Dunkin' Donut jingle is played, it will release the smell of coffee.

Hmmm, I don't know about this invention. What if you just hate the smell of coffee? Or you're sick and the smell of anything makes you nauseous? And you're stuck in one of these buses...OMG Helll(p)!

Yet, it seems that the "coffee sales have improved by 29 percent." But is it really because of the smelly radio?

Source: weirdasianews

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