Pay to sleep on someone's butt

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OK, this is something for the guys. I think you, or we, all have those days that we punch and 'remodel' our pillow. Just because the pillow doesn't feel comfy and your neck and head hurts.

So if you're longing to just lay down your head for just a few minutes COMFORTABLE, then this might be for you: the butt pillow service! Say what? Yup, recently cafe Soineya in Tokyo introduced this new service. You can relax and put your head on someone's butt!

So this is how it works: You just have to go in a room and someone is there waiting for you. Then the persoon will lay down and then you can put your head on that person's butt. One minute relaxing will cost about eight Euros. Hmpff, too bad that this is just a service for men. So no male butts available (as far as I know).

Anyway, check out a demonstration (scroll to 03:12).
Source: en.rocketnews24

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