Rabbits rule the island

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OK, next time I set foot on Japan, I'll definitely run to Okunoshima Island. And pinch those cute cheeks of these little guys. All day long, all day... (hmm, I'm still in the Lionel mood)

Yes, this small island, in the Hiroshima Prefecture, has a looooot of cute rabbit inhabitants. They're just walking everywhere on the streets. Sweeeet!

Well, this island wasn't always that sweet and cute. "In the early 20th century, it served as the base for the Imperial Army's lethal gas operation". But how the hell did the cute rabbits end up here? Some say that the ancestors of the cute rabbits were used "to test the effects of poisonous gases". After the war they released the rabbits into the wild. Others say that a group of eight bunnies were released by just a group of kids who were on a field trip at this island. Hmmm, too bad that I can't speak rabbitish or else I would ask it myself.

Anyway, here's a sweet video with these cute rabbits. Ahww sweet little sniffing noses...

Source: odditycentral

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