Real chocolate beer?

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Beer? Ieeeuwww! Unless it has a fruity flavor orrrrr... a chocolate flavor! Say what? I was almost hyperventilating when I found out about it. Chocolate mmmmm.

Chocolate beer has been produced by the Japanese Sankt Gallen Brewery. This special edition is only available around Valentine's Day in Japan. Hmm, too bad only in Japan... I'm still drooling..chocolate beer jummy...

While I'm reading more about this chocolate beer, I find out that it "isn't made from real chocolate or cocoa." But from "a combination of high temperature roasted chocolate malt and regular roasted base malt". Hmmm, right... But I really wonder if it tastes like chocolate!

Well, a reporter tasted it. There are three different types: The Imperial Chocolate Stout, the Orange Chocolate Stout and the Sweet Vanilla Stout. The Imperial Chocolate Stout "tasted almost like a cold espresso drink". But when drinking the beer on room temperature the flavor kind of changed. It tasted more smooth and milder. Hm, what about the chocolate taste? The other beers doesn't really taste like chocolate chocolate either. BUT it seems to be jummy, when eating together with a piece of chocolate or a chocolate truffle. Hmpff, so I was thinking it really would taste like a chocolate chocolate drink.... not... Almost hyperventilating for nothing.... It's time for me to go to Starbucks and treat myself with a jummy cup of soy-chocolate chocolate chocolate milk...mmm, that's better.

Click here to read more about the "chocolate" beer.

Source: en.rocketnews24

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