Have a dirty dinner

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Start with a truffle soup with a special ingredient. Then potatoes with a jummy sauce made of a special ingredient. And the main menu: flounder with risotto with more of that special ingredient. And to finish it of: a scoop of ice cream made by this special ingredient. So what's that ingredient? Nutrient-rich high quality DIRT! Or well, soil.

Chef Toshio Tanabe of restaurant Ne Quittez Pas (Tokyo) came up with this idea to use soil in his dishes. Actually Ne Quittez Pas is a seafood restaurant, so they have flavors from the ocean. And now he was also looking for flavors from the earth.

Of course Toshio uses special soil, not from his own backyard. The soil has been lab-tested and extremely heated, before mixing it into his menu. So, you won't get sick of it, I guess. Anyway, it seems to be jummy. Well, it must be. Because this soil isn't very cheap. A complete dirty menu is about 81 EUROS.

Source: cnn

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