Women-Only Power-napping cafe

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Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week.. Uhm, OK, when I arrive at work, I feel OK. Having breakfast with a banana and an energypill. But after a few hours (uhm minutes) sitting at my computer... nothing helps, no energydrinks, no energypills, coffee ulggg, or isolating myself by sitting on the toilet for 10 minutes. It's the stress of getting sleepy! OMG, what to do!!!

Unfortunately it's not totally accepted if you just lay down your head for just a few minutes on your desk. Or just lay down on the floor under your desk. But according to researches it seems to be good. It can even increase your productivity. OK, what am I talking about? Power napping! Sleeping for 10 minutes (or less or more) at work.

And now I wish we really had something like a sleeping cafe next to our office. Just like the Quska Sleeping Cafe in Tokyo. Yup, in this new women-only cafe you can not only drink coffee but taking a nap too. For 1,20 Euros you can sleep for ten minutes on a comfy bed. Relaxing with aromatherapy. And using cosmetic supplies, to freshen yourself up before going back to work. How nice is that. Too bad that I couldn't find such a cafe in our boring country. For now I just have to continue sleeping uncomfortable in our stinking toilet :(

Source: odditycentral

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