Studio Ghibli's Princess Mononoke in theaters

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OK, this is the very first time that one of Studio Ghibli's animations becomes a live stage performance in theaters: Princess Mononoke!

Yup, I couldn't believe it, but it's true! Whole Hog Theatre, a company in the UK, had this crazy idea to make a theaterversion of the beautiful animation. They've created "a series of large-scale puppets made from recycled materials". And the princess, well, she will be played by a human of course.

The first performance will be next month, but of course, of course, it quickly sold out, just like the second one in June :(  BUT the play will also be performed in Japan between April 29 and May 6 at the Aiia Theater Tokyo. Hmmm, too bad that it's sold out in the UK. If you're one of the lucky bastards that have a ticket, please let JUMI know, if you've enjoyed it.

Source: japantoday, wholehogtheatre

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