
Lee Byung Hun as Storm Shadow figurine

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I was pretty excited when I've heard that Lee Byung Hun will get his own figurine of his character in Korean movie "Gwanghae: The Man Who Became King"..... not knowing that this already exists! I mean, LBH already has his own figurine of the character he played in the G.I. Joe movies: Storm Shadow.

Well, one of the first figurines (or action figures) I've found were these:

Hmpff, typical action figures.. they don't even look like LBH. But then I've found this figurine (scroll down)! Yes, it really is a figurine! It's not photoshopped or whatever. Pretty cool huh. It's a collectible figure. So it will be a loooot more expensive than the plastics above.

Oh, look: you can even decapitate him and put his other head with mask on his body.

Click here for more info.

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