Black peanuts jummy?

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With my sleepy head I went to the Asian supermarket. While I was sleepwalking, I suddenly woke up, because I saw this green strange package (above). Hmmm, interesting. Maybe you can already read what it is. But not me. Luckily the package had an English translation. It was, it was... rat poison? Nope, this is a package of charcoal peanuts. Hmmkay, I've never tried it before, so I bought it.

And this is how it looks like. Big black balls of... huehhh? Rat poison?

Well I've tried it and I'm still alive :) It doesn't taste really special. It's just a peanut with a thick black layer.

The ingredients are just peanuts (duh) with flour, starch, palm oil (and some flavour enhancers) and bamboo charcoal powder. Hm, I don't taste a bit of bamboo or a burned taste. Too bad, nothing special, just peanuts with a color. And it's not poisonous, unless your allergic. For the same price I would buy a large package of normal peanuts. So, is it a JummyOrNot? Hmm, it's jummy. But I would not buy it again.

1 comment about "Black peanuts jummy?":

May 22, 2013 at 10:54 PM

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllll rat poison!!! XD

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