Review: Confession of Murder

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Watched a great movie yesterday, 'Confession of Murder (내가 살인범이다)'. This movie is one of Korean cinema finest! It has some great action, humor and a good story. I loved it!

Two very cool actors Park Shi Hoo and Jung Jae-young are starring in this movie. Jung Jae-young plays a cop who's wife has been murdered by a serial killer. He tried to catch the murderer a couple of years ago but the killer got away. Years later, a goodlooking writer shows up (Park Shi Hoo). He claims to be the serial killer and showing remorse for the killings. He wrote a very detailed book about the killings and it becomes a bestseller. Absurd as it can be, he is soo charming that he's growing a fanbase and becomes a superstar. Fangirls are standing in line to get his autograph!


Ofcourse the cop is finding out if he's the real deal or not. During an interview between these two on television they get a strange call from a viewer. I won't tell more, because this movie has an unexpected twist. Really clever!

There is a crazy chase in the film, where Park Shi Hoo is swinging cars with a stretcher. It's so funny!
And the actors are well casted for this movie, the addictive smile of Park is never ending and Jung is just awesome. Go watch it!

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