Get paid for eating mayonnaise

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Oehhh mayonnaise. Love it, love it! Mayo mixed with the yolk of a cooked egg, mmmm. Mayo on my fries. Mayo mixed with my mashed potato. Mayo with chili sauce on my spring rolls. Mmmmmm, mayonnaise! Wouldn't it be a dream if you can earn money by eating mayo? Say what?

Yup, for a research in Japan, a Japanese textboard, 2channel, posted a vacancy: ' just eat mayonnaise and get paid 150,000 yen (US$1,540)'. That's about €1162,57. Omgggggg! Where to apply???!!! Hm....

Then I found out that the 'job listing asks for a healthy Japanese man between the ages of 20 and 45'. The real job description is to consume mayo and submit to a cholesterol test five times. I don't know how much mayo you must eat. One tablespoon or a whole bowl... Like I care, I loooove mayo. It's just too bad that they only want men to apply for the job :(

Source: en.rocketnews24

1 comment about "Get paid for eating mayonnaise":

Bep de Bepperd
June 10, 2013 at 9:20 PM

ulgh a whole bowl?!?!... if there are frikandellen in it, then it's another story.

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