
Cat cafes move over! Here comes the... goat café?

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Getting tired of petting lovely fluffy kitties all day? Or feeding cookies to your little doggie starts to bore you. You may want something pettable that makes you feel you are standing in the middle of nature while working in a busy metropolis? Or not, maybe you just want a change of fur to pet.

Well, here's the first goat café! Sakuragaoka Cafe in Tokyo has two cute goats Sakura & Chocolat to entertain you while zippin tea and eating waffles!

So do you think it will be the next big thing next to cat cafes?
I like to visit this cafe, it looks interesting! Though I prefer a cat cafe. But maybe that's because I have never been to a cat cafe. Also I am allergic to cats. But I love cats! I wonder if I am allergic to goats too?? Does it even exists? Goat allergy... Umm... So maybe petting goats is a good thing for people with cat allergies!
(I googled it, and it does exist! So be careful if you are allergic for goats!)

At first I thought by 'Goat cafe' a bunch of goats walking loose in a cafe, but these goats have their own space. Also the interior of the cafe is looking nice. Annnd the goats don't have smelly poop! :D

You can find the cafe at 1F Shinoda Bldg, 23-3 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN.

Source: asahi

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