
Drink your sweat! It's water!

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Oooh it's sooo hot outside. Sooo hot, that you're sweating like an idiot. You might have (accidentally) tasted your drops of sweat, dripping of your face into your mouth... Ieeeuwww salty. What if it's so hot outside and your thirsty. But you don't have a bottle of water with you. And you can't find a store in the neighbourhood.... What to do? Drink your sweat? Ieeeewww.

Well, thinking about this situation is ieeeewww, but maybe it's not that ieeeuww after all. Say what? Swedish researchers have created a machine that turns sweat into drinking water! Huh?

Yes, it's the Sweat Machine! This special invention extracts sweat from sweaty clothes, which is 99% water. You have to put the ieeuwiee clothes into a dryer, which will spun and squeeze everything out. Then the sweat gets heated, exposed to UV light and filtered a several times to kill the saltyness and bacteria. And then, nope, watery sweat is not done yet. The sweat goes through a coffee filter that retains any textile fibers left over from the clothes. And there you have it: drinkable water!

Iiiiewww! Ieeuw? Hmm, some have tried it and it seems to have a nice sweet taste. It's a nice invention. A good idea to solve water shortage in poor countries, right?

Source: odditycentral

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