
Re-use your lipstick, create a giant lipstick

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What do you do, with your old lipstick, rotten lipstick, ugly colored lipstick. Throw it away? Re-use it for your kiddie coloring book (hmm, good idea...) or collect all your old lipsticks to create something new: a new lipstick! Huh? A giant lipstick! Say what? Well, that's what artist Agne Kisonaite did.. with more than 5000 old lipsticks. She created a giant lipstick! And with giant, I mean really giant, huuuge!

This artwork is 2.5 meters high and it's heavy (200 kg). She made the lipstick to make people aware of how much we throw away (unnessesary), such as half empty lipsticks. Nice idea. Check out the video of Agne, here at JUMI!

1 comment about "Re-use your lipstick, create a giant lipstick":

July 16, 2013 at 7:59 PM

Ze heeft niks te doen!!!!

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