Buy socks with holes

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Ohhhh nooo! Don't you hate it, when you need to visit someone and you have to take off your shoes. Uhm, I don't mean hate visiting... but when you find out that you're wearing the wrong socks! New nice socks, but of a worthless quality. These socks already have holes in it! OMG! With those loose threads... Ulgg!

Hmmm, maybe you also have those moments when you're thinking 'gosh, I'd rather cut holes beforehand. Nicely cut. Then my beautiful socks wouldn't look ugly with those threads...' I guess the Japanese company Naigai thought about that. Yup, now Naigai came up with a new sock design: N-platz!

What's that? These are socks with holes purposefully placed in the sole area. The inventors have calculated 'that by opening a hole in the sole region of the sock’s material, the strain placed on the heel and tip of the sock, which causes ripping in the material, sees a significant reduction. As a result, energy is dispersed evenly into the surrounding areas preventing holes from forming'. AND at the same time it will cool down your feet.

One pair costs about €8,08.... whahhh... Hmm, I think I'll cut my own holes in my socks. Maybe with triangle or heart shapes, instead of oval or round cuts. Nice customized socks.. and much cheaper!

Source: en.rocketnews24

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