Eat algae that grows from your breath

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This is not a picture of someone who's sick or whatever. Nope, this is the Algaculture Symbiosis Suit. Say what? OK, with this green thing on your head you can grow algae by breathing and you can eat it afterwards. Say what? Nope, this is not an invention of drunken people. The suit is made by Michael Burton and Michiko Nitta (who are completely sober).

This is how it works: tubes are placed in your mouth. The tubes will harness the CO2 you breathe. Your breath will feed the algae which lives in the suit. They'll grow. So breathe, grow and eat!

Hmm, it might sound digusting. Eating something that grows from your breath. Who the hell would do that? Well, recently an opera singer tried it. Or well, she cooked.... uhhh breathed fresh algae. During her performance she breathed a lot, of course. This way the suit created new algue populations. After her performance, the audience were allowed to try the algae.

Jummy or not? Would you try it? Hmmm, I think I would. I wonder if it really tastes different than 'normal' algae. A sushi rolled in breathed algae, is that jummy?

Source: geekologie, dvice

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