Have your lunch at Anti-Socializing table

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Want to be left alone during lunchbreaks at school (or at work) at the cafetaria, but still want to sit comfy at a table? Then maybe you'll like this invention: the bocchi seki (lonely seats)!

Japanese universities in Kyoto and Kobe have put these seats with a divider across the middle of the table in their cafetaria. It's been requested by students who wanted to avoid lunchtime socializing. Sometimes students are in a hurry to eat a meal or just don't want to hear a co-student nagging about nothing. And sitting at a normal big table by yourself, might look a bit sad. A student said that 'it's like you don't have any friends and that is embarrassing'. Soooo, there you have it: the bocchi seki.

OK, maybe this invention sounds a bit odd to you. But really, these lonely seats seems to be very popular with students. Hmm, I think we might see more of these seats in the future.

Source: odditycentral

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