OMG! Sadako works at Lotteria restaurant?

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Last time we've posted about a special edition of 'the Ring milkshake' at Lotteria restaurant. A superscary drink to promote the new creepy horror movie Sadako 3D2. Well, the promo didn't end here. Nope, now Sadako joined the Lotteria crew! Yup, she decided to work here! Say what?

I think Sadako got tired working at the hairsalon. Hmm, well, I can imagine. She can't see anything with all that hair in front of her eyes. Then she worked at the factory. Hmm, maybe too dangerous for her, with her annoying long hair. And now Sadako made 'her appearance behind the LOTTERIA cash registers.'

Yes, Sadako promoted her special milkshake. Now these creepy drinks are on 50% off-sale to mid-September. Ieek.. Ulgg... I wonder if the restaurant will have more customers now....

Source: en.rocketnews24

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