Burn that crap!

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Ladies, don't we all have those bad days. Hearing crap all day. Seeing crappy series on TV. Eating crappy food. At the moment everything just seems to be crap. Ahh, burn that crap! Hmm, when you're having this crappy moment, it might feel good to eat and smell chocolate. Wouldn't it be nice if you could combine these two thoughts? Burn crap and smell chocolate!

Huh? Well, check out the Kokocandles Poo Candle! No, nooo, of course this isn't made of real crap. It really is a candle. And here comes good part: it smells like chocolate. Gooood! One piece of crap/poo/doodoo costs €11.38. So, are you ready to burn your crap?

Source: etsy, trendhunter

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