Hang your table around your neck and eat!

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I was never a big fan of picknicking. The fuzz about bringing your own (heavy) table. Or you find out that all tables in the park are taken. Or just go ieew by putting your food on the ground. Hmm, maybe the portable folding napkin table will make me love picknicking more. Just hang your table around your neck!

An industrial design graduate from Tunghai University in Taiwan, Michael Jan, developed this interesting product. Unfold the big napkin and you'll see that it has cupholders and a flat surface for plates. It also has a little bib which serves as napkins. And it doesn't look heavy. You don't have to put the table on the ground BUT wear it around your neck. Of course you need someone on the other side of the table too to really use it as a table.

Hmm, this new invention doesn't convince me to go picknicking. To me it seems a bit uncomfy. What if your eating and suddenly you or your partner has to do a poopoo (because the food you or partner just made tasted horrible or whatever). Wait until the other side has finished eating? Or what if you've prepared a jummy, but litterally heavy meal. I don't think it feels comfy to wear half a kilogram around your neck (unless you're training it to get a gorgeous Arnold Schwarzeneck-uh gger neck).

Ah well, lovely invention but not for me. I just don't like picknicking. Anyway, would you hang this table around your neck?

Source: gizmodiva

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