How to sleep at work

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Did you had a sleepy day at work zzzzzzzzz too... because the work is sooooo boring? Well, there are companies where you can be sleepy anytime, because of the luxury of having special nip nap areas. But what if there isn't? Zzzzz noooo! No, don't worry because now there are ways to sleep behind your computerzzzz...

Twitter user @sui_gin created different positions to sleep at the office.

So what the zzzz does it all mean?
1. The ideal position: placing a mouse pad on top of a can of Red Bull is standard
2. The surrender position: for when your shoulders are really tired
3 The anima position: for when your shoulders and back are really tired, the height of the books is really important
4. The orz position: for when your butt is tired, it’s really comfortable, but embarrassing if someone sees yo
5.The peace of the wage slave position: this is the max for comfort and impact if you are seen. You can definitely sleep for hours in this position!
Sleep well behind your computer zzzzz.

Source: japantoday

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