Taste a jummy cake but eat bitter sprouts

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Is it possible to manipulate your mind? Eating the most disgusting bitter sprouts, but taste a jummy and ooooh soooo heavenly delicious drooling sweet cake of St. Anny?

Hah, you should be hypnotized to eat a sprout. Or not? Maybe in the near future we can all use the SET TO MIMIC, without being hypnotized. No more gagging moments eating the most disgusting food.

Yup, SET TO MIMIC is a new invention which can manipulate our mind. 'The idea is to put a microchip in us, which interacts with our brain cells so that it can register smells, tastes and textures of our favorite food. When bland or ‘health foods’ are placed on the plate, the microchip manipulates our senses to feel as if we are eating our favorite food.' Jummy! So all our horrible food can turn into jummy sweet cakes.

Source: yankodesign

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