Become the head of cheeseburgers

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There are people who are totally addicted to cheeseburgers. Starting the day with a cheeseburger. A lunch with double cheeseburger. And for dinner eating a triple cheeseburger (or the other way around).

OK, if you're soooo crazy about cheeseburgers. If it's your life, why not becoming a cheeseburger! No, no, I don't mean to grind yourself into a hamburger patty and put some greasy cheese on your head. Nope, now you can wear a cheeseburger over your head. No, no, I don't mean a real one (well, you can do that too, but hm, maybe that's a waste of the cheeseburger). Check out the Cheeseburger Mask.

This mask is three dimensional and has two eyeholes. So don't be afraid to bump to the walls of a cheeseburger restaurant. Are you addicted enough to wear it? The mask costs $39,99 (about €30). Click here for more info.

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