Dance with Hitchhiker singing ababa

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What would you do if you see a hitchhiker on the streets or standing at the edge of the road. A man in a futuristic silver suit. Suddenly dancing.... Suddenly singing ababa. Go away? Or dance with him? Hm, some might dance if it's Hitchhiker (히치하이커) singing 11(ELEVEN).

Yup JUMI readers. Friday means music. This time a music video with a lot of dancing and ababa. Say what? 'Ababa is like a magic spell' so you'll continuously hear it. If I hear the song too often I think I would really get annoyed. Yet the video is interesting. Here and there you'll see Sims (or well, it looks like it). And it's colorful. Freedom, peace, happiness are the most important messages of the song, even though you'll only hear... yup... ababa.

Hm, I think I'll skip dancing, or let the Hitchhiker get into my car. What would you do?

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