Muscled in 2 seconds? Wear a Muscle Suit!

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OMG, doesn't your boyfriend (and yourself) ever get tired of it? Exercising, fitnessing, working out or whatever he does till late at night. Coming home all yucky sweaty. Just to get all those idiotic blocks on his body. Hmm, maybe you can give him this present, and you won't wait anymore until he gets home, tired and sweaty from the gym: the Muscle Suit!

All he has to do is wear the suit and the desired blocks will appear! How cool is that. No more diets, protein shakes and no more exercise! So maybe he can look like Lee Byung Hun in 2 seconds, oeeewww. Ehm, but the suit costs about €684 ahumm.... riiighttt... another idea is just to draw blocks on his body with eyeliner and paste some thick pieces of ham or mini cushions on it, much cheaper..

Source: trendhunter

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