Starbucks is like art

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You love it or you hate it: Starbucks. Well, I totally looove Starbucks coffee (except the price for a cup). So do some people, that they create the most interesting, weird, gorgeous artwork starring the famous cup with the green lady on it. Korean artist Soo Min Kim is a cup artist specialized in Starbucks cups.

The artist covers parts of the green logo with white paint and redraws something extra on it, to create a whole new interesting cup. For example, in an illustration the green lady is suddenly transformed into Kentucky Fried Coffee character.

So he started with drawing, but later started cutting out parts of the cup, expanding the possibilities of his unique art style.

Pretty cool huh. Check out the video below and see how he recreates a simple cup of Starbucks. And if you want to see more pictures, click here.

Source: en.rocketnews24

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