Jummy Gummy Bear Bratwurst?

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Bored of eating boring plain meat bratwursts? And a jummy delicious sauce didn't work to fight the boredom of eating it? Hm, maybe a bratwurst with a filling of candy meat will help you to enjoy eating it again... Say what?

OK, it started out as a joke, but soon it became a success. Grundhofer's Old-Fashioned Meats in Minnesota sells a new type of bratwurst: Gummy Bear Bratwurst! Huh? Gummy bear meat??? Well, sort of... This sausage has still meat in it, cuts of beef, pork and veal. But it's blended together with cute sweet pieces of gummy bears. So the sausage has a much more sweeter flavor and a gooey texture. How jummy! From the outside the gummy bear bratwurst still look like a boring sausage, but don't be fooled by it's look. Hmm, strange combination... but it didn't end here, because now they offer all kind of different flavors. What about a Caramel Apple bratwurst? Or for the healthy freaks the fruity Peach Mango bratwurst. Jummmmmy or not?

Source: trendhunter

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