Jobless? Become a dog food taster

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OK, some of us might be experiencing it: being jobless and desperate. Sending 200 job application letters, without any success. Boehoeh. But have you tried finding jobs that totally sounds surreal? For example applying for a job as dog food taster. Say what?

Yes, it really exists. Eating dog food for a living! All you have to do is smell and taste dog food to make sure it meets a premium brand’s exacting quality standards. OK, not everybody can do this. You have to be trained to identify flavors that dogs may find appetizing or yuck. And you have to make sure that "each different ingredient is perfectly balanced in just the right way", says chief taster of Lily's Kitchen pet food. The salary isn't bad either. The salary starts from about $30,000 a year (€25.447) to $75,000 (€63.618) for experienced professionals.

Yuck? Well, if you're a person claiming to be a foodlover, this might be an idea, right?

Source: odditycentral

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