Wanna hide your face behind the Lego mask?

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OMG, terrible when you start your day with bad makeup. Your new yellow eyeshadow is terrible and the red lipstick color looks horrible. Iek! OMG, terrible when you start your day with shaving your beard to harsh. You've accidently shaved a piece of skin. Iek! Wouldn't it be nice if you could hide your horrible face behind something? Maybe behind a Lego mask? Say what?

Yup, it really exists! Recently makeup artist Isamaya Ffrench created Lego masks to complete the new high fashion collection of British designers agi & sam for the fall/winter 2015 collection. Agi & Sam comment on their collection, “With a strong emphasis on entirely bespoke print and humour, we believe that fashion should never be taken too seriously. We also endeavour to sit firmly in the middle of brands that fear creating something different and those which push collections too far.”

The Lego beard looks pretty interesting. I don't know how it can be stucked on the faces, but it looks uhm... better than looking horrible right? Would you wear a piece of Lego?

Source: gizmodiva

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