Jumi high on cocoa?

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Two years we've met a 'dealer' in Belgium selling some new stuff to sniff: cocoa! Omg, we loooove chocolate. But then we found out that it was pretty expensive... But now, I mean yesterday, it was our lucky day. We've sniffed chocolate without spending a lot of money! We went to Chocoa, a chocolate festival in Amsterdam.

After eating ourselves sick with chocolate, we were happy to see a stand offering cocoa to sniff. Nice, our mouths were already tired eating... Anyway, a line of cocoa powder was waiting for our noses. With a little straw we've sniffed it. And.... hmmm strange... chocolate... mint.... niiice.   We still tasted the cocoa in our throath after a few hours. And our noses (which were filled with a little bit snot) opened after sniffing. Maybe because of the mint. Interesting exciting experience for chocolate lovers. But not something to do for the third time, because the excitement is then already gone. And nope, we didn't get high because of that. Because we already ate toooooo much pure chocolate!

Anyway, giggly as we were we bought a little can for little Jumi (she loved it too. Too bad that the can was too big for a tiny little amount of cocoa. Little Jumi wanted to sniff more). And we left the chocolate festival with a happy face.

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