There's a cat on your head!

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Wth, what would you do if you see someone with a cat on his/her head? Ignore it and leave the person embarrased behind without saying anything. Or go 'omg, omg so cuuute'. Or train your cat to do the same. Well, the last one might be a bit cruel. And the first option, well, who cares how strange the other look like. Looking strange is cool! I think I would go for the second option. And omg, it's possible to stick a cat on your head without 'torturing' your cat.

Japanese designer Campanella created the neko-kaburi (cat riding on the head)! And no, not one real cat had to sarcrifice his/her life to make an accessory like this. It's just a hairband, but the topside of it is a fake fluffy friendly cat. OMG, omg, so cuuute! Hm, too bad to find out that this hairband isn't available in stores... TT

Source: en.rocketnews24

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