Hep Five

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I looove desserts, and this is exactly what I miss and really need in my city: A restaurant that only serves one thing: desserts-icecream-desserts!

When I was in Osaka (Japan), there was a place, where I really landed in heaven for a moment (well, actually this was one of the 100 places, hehe): HEP FIVE. This is a major shoppingmall, with a huge amusementhall, a ferriswheel and a floor with the jummiest (dessert-)restaurants. Jummy beautifully-created-crepes filled with fresh fruit, ridiciously-jummy-too unhealthy-tasty supercakes and pies, icecream cups too-jummy-you-spontaneously-cry-after eating it, with a delicious heavenly sauce. Besides the jummy foodsection, HEP Five is also a great shoppingheaven.

And the view by night, well what do I have to say...it's heavenly beautiful!

Coming soon: Jumi's jummy icecream recipe....

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