Yaskawa-kun: the Icecream Robot

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A few weeks ago I went to the Ikea. I often wait in a long line (with mainly children) in front of the icecream-machine. And then it's my turn: I put my cone in the machine, I press the button, and the icecream comes out of the machine. Jummy!
In Japan there's an advanced version of the icecreammachine/maker. It's name is: Yaskawa-kun! It's a cute robot that actually makes icecream. Just put 300 Yen in the machine, choose what kind of icecream you want, and Yaskawa-kun will make your own icecream, with a big smile on his face.

Yaskawa-kun was created by industrial equipment maker Yaskawa Electric Corp. At the moment, 'the company is lending the robot out for events, while modifying the prototype. The firm intends to market it commercially in fiscal 2011.' They're also thinking about creating a robot that can make (one of my favorite snacks) TAKOYAKI! Omg, I really can't wait till the day that they will actually create a takoyaki-robot!

Source: Asahi

1 comment about "Yaskawa-kun: the Icecream Robot":

September 20, 2010 at 11:45 PM

so cute, but after waiting so long i'll be laying on the floor choked in my own drool. Robot has to make it faster fasterrr!! XD

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