City Hunter becomes live action drama

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Usually I'm not really excited when I hear that another animation will be adapted into a life action movie, for exampla Akira. But now I found out about the manga/anime City Hunter, which will be adapted into life action drama. It caught my attention a bit more positively. Why? I'll tell you later...

City Hunter is originally a manga of Tsukaso Hojo. The manga has been issued between 1985 and 1991. In 1987 the story has been adapted into anime and in 1993 it became a live action movie, starring Jackie Chan. I don't know if it was a big hit, but on May 25th there will be a new release of a live action drama of City Hunter. And I think this will be much more of a succes.

One of today's greatest Korean young actors, Lee Min Ho, will have the leading role in City Hunter, of private detective Ryo Saeba, who'll fight against crime in the city. To me this sounds like a BIG PLUS! I'm very impressed by Lee Min Ho's acting skills (especially when I saw dorama Personal Taste, eheh) and I'm sure he'll play the role perfectly.

Click here, if you want to read the original story of City Hunter.

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