Smelly 3D-games?

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Scentscape by Scent Science
They already invented 3D-games to increase the real life experience. To increase it a bit more, two manufacturers, Scent Science and Sensory Acumen, came up with an extra item: smell. (Sure, why not? If you're already nauseous by watching the screen in 3D, why don't we emphasize your nauseousness with the smell of the sweat of Ryu or Blanka, alien breath, or the scent of fresh doggiepoop of your nintendog.)

This special smellmachine must be plugged in into your console or PC or Mac. A special oil-cartridge then responds to your gameplay. Maybe this machine can make gameplays easier. For example, you can smell an alien, who's waiting around the corner to scare you.

Now these machines produce standard fragrances, but manufacturers are already talking about game-specific refills. Hmm, I'm wondering how Mario would smell...

Game Skunk by Sensory Acumen

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