
Fart Art from the Edo-period

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Students from the Waseda University in Tokyo found some pretty interesting images of artwork during the Edo Period: Hegassen emaki – 屁合戦絵巻. I didn't know the meaning of it. The image above is beautiful, but looks normal to me...until I saw the other images. Before I show you some images, guess what this artwork is all about. Let me give you two hints:

  • Look at the picture above. Just two groups of people right?
  • The name of the artwork is Hegassen -> sounds like gas -> being gassy...

Yes, it's about a battle of human gasses! He-gassen means The Fart Battle. Here are three other images.
Are those gasses really that strong? Hmm, eating too many eggs isn't good.
Whow, riding a horse and shoot at the same time. Multitasking?

Are they trying to defend themselves with paper fans? Uh, that won't work.
Hehe, pretty interesting, huh. If you're enthusiastic about this work of fart, you should check out the other images too. Click here.
Source: japanprobe

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