2NE1 covers Madonna song

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Maybe you've already heard the news: Korean girlband 2NE1 will cover an oldscool song of my very first girl-idol: Madonna! Guess which song...

Yup, the song with the lion in the MV: Like a Virgin (ohh nooo, now the silly song of Weird Al Yankovic pops up in my head). 2NE1's Like a Virgin will be a bonustrack on their new Japanese album "Collection", which will be released on March 28th.

A Japanese beverage company Kirin, already used the song for their new Namacya commercial.

I'm not a very huge fan of covers. But when I heard a little piece of 2NE1's version in the commercial, I'm definitely not dissappointed by this cover. Now I can't wait to hear their full Like a Virgin version. Anyway, check out the commercial, here at JUMI!

Source: allkpop

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