No money, but cupcakes in ATM's

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Even though it's normal in countries to have vending machines offering hot drinks, crabs, bananas and even shoes, JUMI only has the 'luck' that our petite country has vending machines offering boring snacks and drinks (chocolate and a coke). So I end up drooling at home, thinking back about my journey in Japan, where I fully enjoyed the sight of various vending machines and felt I won the jackpot, while a hot can of coffee came out of the machine.

Now something else caught my eye....ATM's...
Nope, not with money in it (that wouldn't be useful to me haha), but something else that makes me happy....CUPCAKES!

Recently Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills, California, installed their first cupcake ATM. Of course, like normal ATM's, this is also a 24-hours machine. The cupcakes are freshly baked, or well, freshly, probably a few hours old or a day. I assume bakers won't work there for 24 hours. But it really looks more jummy than the cupcakes in the supermarket. The cupcake company will also put Cupcake ATM's in New York, Chicago and Washington DC. Mmmmmm cupcakes....

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