Shit peacefully on largest public toilet in Japan

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Public lavatories: you just want use it as quickly as possible and leave as soon as you can. Yet you have to pay for it. For what? Dirty toilets with ugly, yucky it-used-to-be-white-walls, with a horrible odor of cheap air freshener (OK, there's one exception: 2theloo in Amsterdam). And you can't even leave out Mr. Hankey (or Mr. Poopoo if you're not familiar with Hankey) quietly and peacefully, because you might get embarrassed by his sound and smell.... Sometimes you wish you could have some more privacy, right?

Well, people in Ichihara (Japan) are sooo lucky. Last month, the town opened the world's largest public lavatory, designed by Sou Fujimoto. It's a single toilet in a glass cubicle surrounded by more than 2,150 square feet garden! So while sitting on the toilet you have a beautiful peaceful view over a garden of cherry, plum and peach trees and potted plants. The entire garden has a fence of more than 6 feet high. And trains on the Kominato Railway Line provide the background noise. So, no more yucky view, no more horrible smell, no more people nearby. You can just do your thing quietly, peacefully and in private. How lovely is that?

Source: newsonjapan

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