A present for bibliophiles: book perfume

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Do you think books will dissappear someday, because of the digital world we're living in? Nowadays we can read books on our ipad, laptop, computer...

Well, I'm not sure. I think a lot of people still love the experience of reading a book, by flipping the pages, writing notes on the pages, folding a dog-ear or just looove the smell of books. “The smell of a freshly printed book is the best smell in the world.” That's what Karl Lagerfeld once said.

Hmm, the smell of books. Wouldn't it be nice to smell it all the time? I guess Gerhard Steidl thought so. Together with perfume designer Geza Schoen and Wallpaper magazine, he created Paper Passion. A fragrance based on the smell of books! Yes I'm serious.

The package has the shape of a book (of course, of course). If you open it, you'll find the bottle of perfume and pages filled with texts of Karl Lagerfeld, Günter Grass, Geza Schoen and Tony Chambers. A nice present for bookworms and bibliophiles?

Source: steidl

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