Nail stickers by Sephora easy as it says?

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Nail stickers. You see them everywhere now, every shop has nail stickers. Will it not be fake looking? So I decided to try out those stickers. I bought Sephora nail patches with a bold glittery zebra print. They were about 8 euro's. Pretty expensive for just 1 pair.

It smells like nail polish. All you need are those stickers, and a nail file.
Then off you go, just put a sticker onto your nail. Surprisingly they fit my cuticles! Then a whole piece of sticker becomes useless, unless you have long nails. You can peel them off by just folding them over your nail. I used the nail file to file a little along my nail. And then peel them off, it's easier.
So do this 10 times and you're done. It's just as easy as the package says.

They really look cool. I have to admit!
They are water resistant and you can do everything with it. It's weird because after some days you can still peel them off like stickers. Leftovers can be removed with regular nail polish remover, which will take some time because of all the glitters.

Ok I admit, nails stickers are cool and easy.
But I still think 8 euro's is too expensive for just one set. Make them half price and everybody will have fabulous artsy nails!

1 comment about "Nail stickers by Sephora easy as it says?":

July 16, 2012 at 3:38 PM

Totally sexy Nails! I like it!

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