Jinbo's smooth version of Girls Generation's Gee: Damn

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Do you remember/know Girls Generation's song Gee? (If not, check out the MV at the end of this post) It's supercute, sweet, innocent and supergirlie! I still like to hear this song :)

And I'm not the only one. Recently singer/songwriter/producer Jinbo has released a new track "Damn". And guess what: this track is a reinterpretation of the girliesong!
Of course this version is not girlie at all. This R&B song sounds smooth, sexy and more mature. Uhm, not really suitable for the younger girlie ears. While Gee is nice to hear when you're with your girlie friends, the song Damn sounds more suitable when you're with your boyfriend.

So, what do you think of Jinbo's "Damn"?

Jinbo - Damn

Girls Generation/SNSD - Gee 

Source: jinbo.bandcamp.com, hypebeast

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