Smell your menu before ordering

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"Hmmm, how would this taste, or that, or this, or that?" I often have difficulties to choose a meal, when I see a large unknown menu with a lot of jummy stuff. Or well, I have to pick one that looks (or reads) the jummiest. Unfortunately there are times that I get really dissappointed with the food that's been served....

Hmm, maybe this new invention will help me to pick the jummiest meal: Odor Menu!

This is a menu card with braille and smell. Yes, it releases the odor of the meals. It has special olfactory biochips. With the chips, the odor can be simulated so users can know the dish without pictures. So actually it has been designed for blind people. But it can also be very very handy for people like me, who think everything is jummy...until it's been served....I'm looking forward to smell Odor Menu!

Source: yankodesign

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