Doraemon is -100 years old

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Yesterday was a big day for Doraemon. It was his -100th birthday! Minus 100? Yup, officially September the 3th, 2112, is the day that he was/is/will be born in a robot factory in Kawasaki (Japan).

To celebrate his birthday, Doraemon became an official resident of Kawasaki. Now he has a special residency certificate.

Besides Doraemon's birthplace, Google Japan celebrated his birthday too. They made a video about "how Doraemon’s futuristic technological abilities have already been realized. We don’t yet have a “dokodemo door” that can transport us to any place on earth, but Google’s Street View is almost as good."

OK, I know I'm a bit late, but happy -100th birthday Doraemon!

Source: asahi, japanprobe, japantimes

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