Drama tip: Rich Man, Poor Woman

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Our Dutch summer has more rainy days than sunny days.. So what to do on days when it's all rainy outside? Right, drama time!!!! :)
Or drama-marathon-time, I like to watch more episodes on a day without waiting for another week! The wait is killing!

Right now I am watching Rich Man Poor Woman, a series about an successfull IT company run by not-very-social Oguri Shun and his partner/good friend. Well this "good friend" isn't that good and innocent... the bastard plays a dirty trick on his businesspartner Oguri. Then there is this clumsy girl played by Ishihara Satomi, but she is smart and a big help for Oguri, although he doesn't pay much attention to her. But during hard times she is his biggest support. And there is something between them that is so lovely to follow, although you know how it will develop.. hehe.

I like this drama, because it has a different setting instead of a school or a café/restaurant, it has a business setting and it's very fresh to watch. Plus great acting by Oguri ^^.
You better hurry to catch up, the series is still ongoing.

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