Guinness World Record largest Hello Kitty collection

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Last week Guinness World Records released their newest edition of the big book, Guinness World Records 2013. OK, so what? Well, the person who has the largest Hello Kitty collection has been mentioned.

Meet the woman who holds the world record: Asako Kanda (Japan)! It all started when she was in elementary school. She had stationery items, such as pencils and erasers of Hello Kitty. And she bought more and more. Now she's 38 or 39 years old, and she's still passionate about the Kitty. I think she has everything, eeeverything of this Kitty. She even has a Hello Kitty toilet seat! Now her house is filled with 4,519 different Hello Kitty items. But what she really wants is a Hello Kitty-shaped house, with two ears sticking out of the roof. And her ultimate wish is to have a funeral Kitty-style with a Hello Kitty-shaped tombstone.

Of course there are always people who ridicule her or think she's childish. But I think Asako is awesome, because she's not ashamed of it (why would you). People who call her infantile or weird are just boring people living a colorless life.

Source: japantimes

1 comment about "Guinness World Record largest Hello Kitty collection":

August 21, 2014 at 2:11 PM

I want to be the nexxtttt one like that I love love lovvvveeeee hello kitttyyyyy myself!!

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